As you can probably guess from the picture, I have a Black War Bear. A guild member and I joined a city raid group last night. We stood up until the wee hours of the morning. It was a fantastic night, the alliance where woefully unprepared for our assault and we creamed them: King Magni Bronzebeard, Prophet Velen, King Varian Wyrnn, and Tyrande Whisperwind.
We really couldn't have done it without the fantastic leadership of Dreykala. She kept most of us in line and had the brains to fool the entire alliance about our plans. Every attack on the faction leaders was executed perfectly and it's all thanks to her.

She requested that we line up in front of the silver enclave in dalaran and I was all too happy to comply. After that we made a black war bear conga line. Did I mention it was a fantastic night?
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