I did however give MGS 4 another shot this past week. It didn't go so well. Since it had been some time from when I last attempted, and I wasn't that far in, I restarted from the beginning. That was a big mistake. Again getting disoriented by the controls, from my own ineptitude, made that intial sequence unbarebly long. Add to that the cutscenes I didn't/don't give two shits about... and it's just a recipe for disaster.
Now, I take full blame going in expecting to hate this game. I had issues with MGS 2, then lost interest in 3 and that left a stink on the series that I can't shake. Eventually, one day I'll give it another go but as far as "the stack" is concerned... Mission Failed.
On a more positive note. I picked up a copy of Mirror's Edge on the PS3 for a decent $30. I pre-started this time. So next week, on schedule hopefully, I will already have something to say about the first 2 chapters.
See you runners on friday.
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