It's been a long time hasn't it? The problem with playing WoW is that it doesn't leave time for much else. This blog has fallen on the bottom of my priority list and apologize for that. Will this make it up to you? Anyway, let's get to business.
This is the tanking spec I use: 57/14/0
Most of it is self explanatory, I roll with 3/5 frenzy and have 3/3 Cobra Strikes to keep my pet hasted. With my gear, I crit enough that only 1/2 Go For The Throat is necessary. Depending on the encounter, Aimed Shot might be better than 1/2 Improved Mend Pet.
Basically the same deal with my glyphs, though Glyph of Hunter's Mark might be a bit controversial. Right now I'm using it because it increases my healing throughput on Attumen when I use 2-piece Rift Stalker. Otherwise, Glyph of Bestial Wrath is the winner here.
Let's talk about the Rift Stalker set for a second. It's the tier 5 set for hunters.
Three out of five tokens drop from bosses in Serpentshrine Cavern:
- The token for the headpiece of each set drops from Lady Vashj,
- the token for the gloves of each set drops from Leotheras the Blind and
- the token for the pants of each set drops from Fathom-Lord Karathress.
Two out of five tokens frop from bosses in The Eye:
If you equip two of any of the five pieces, your pet will be healed for 15% of your damage. Again, depending on the encounter you may not need it. However, it is invaluable when you are trying to learn fights.
- The token for the chest piece of each set drops from Kael'thas Sunstrider and
- the token for the shoulders of each set drops from Void Reaver.
Finally, you'll need a tenacity pet. Any pet will do, though I prefer a crocolisk for AoE tanking and worms for single targets. You'll defintely want a gorilla if you're tanking anything with a spell that needs to be interrupted.
For your pet you'll want tanking spec like this. You definitely need everything in the first two tiers, Thunderstomp for threat and AoE tanking, and 2/2 Grace of the Mantis for your pet to be uncrittable. On a side note, you'll also want to be hit capped so that your pet will be unparryable. Other than that, you're free to switch around points where you need them. I've found Roar of Sacrifice to be tremendously helpful however in Zul'Gurub and any other fight where I was taking predictable damage.
Now you're ready to go out there and solo tank!
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