I am a fan of World of Warcraft, but I'm also a bit behind the times. Everyone else has plunged into the new expansion Wrath of the Lich King while I'm only waist deep. In fact, just the other day I was running old content. Well, not just running it because we sat it down on our laps and spanked it. And by "we" I mean Chili and I.
I mentioned Zul'Gurub in my previous post, it's a raid designed for twenty level 60 players. Being a newly minted level 80, I tried to solo this dungeon, but I ran into difficulties with basically any mob with a gimmick. I managed to deal with some trash and even kill the snake boss, but the tiger boss and particularly the panther boss seem impossible to do alone. Chili offered his help to which I gladly accepted. With his help, we cleared all the primal aspects and Hakkar, just the two of us level 80s against a dungeon tuned for twenty people!
No special mount drops though.
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