This week pretty much starts and ends at Left 4 Dead for me. I got it as a Christmas gift (it was released near the end of the year so I don't count it as a missed game) and I've been playing it online nearly any chance I get. My character of choice is Zoey and I use either the shotgun, assault rifle, or the hunting rifle.
My biggest problem with the game is that I've been through all the scenario's already. Sure, I like the game enough but there doesn't seem to be enough content to support playing the game for too long. I suspect that the varying locations of weapons and zombies will wear thin after the fifth or sixth time playing the same level. One night we kept consistently failing on the last level of Dead Air. We restarted the level many times but we were basically going through the motions at that point. We were all bored and just put it up for the night.
Granted this scenario only came about because we repeatedly played the same portion of the campaign but I fear that'll eventually happen to all the levels once we've played them. There aren't any alternate paths or hidden shortcuts to variate the geometry a bit. I feel like if there were a corridor that was closed off occasionally, it would be nice to try to figure out a way around it. Another thing that's kinda disappointing is that there's no puzzle solving in this game. Your objective is to shoot zombies and get to the safe room or evacuate, and you follow a basically linear path to do so. We're kinda back to the geometry arguement here, but I think if there were a random assortment of puzzles to get through, it would seriously extend the gameplay.
Speaking of gameplay, that's enough bitching. I do really like this game, I just direly wish it could be even better. Things I do like:
-Shooting Bill
-Shooting zombies
-Setting zombies on fire
-The witch. She's really scary
-Shooting Smoker tongues
-Shooting Bill
And finally, playing with my friends. This is one of the best co-op games I've ever played. Everything about it is fine tuned to where you're fucked if you try to go it alone. You aren't just encouraged to cooperate here, it's enforced. Think you can go all John Rambo on they asses? You're gonna get pounced. Think you can stay behind safely? You're gonna get licked. This is where the game truly shines, and is what makes it a must buy. Have you bought it yet?
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