Who'd have thought that a blog would come with deadlines but I've got a slave driver of a partner here. (I kid Nick... mildly.) This was supposed to be posted well over a week ago. I originally poured much thought and effort into a long rant on the current state of World of Warcraft's end game content. About the difficulty and other various things. The problem is, I'm more conflicted about it than I had imagined. The result was a rambling post that would have magnified my shitty writing skills. Another thing that dawned on me, I don't play WoW exclusively. It has become the staple of my gaming and has consumed more of my free time than anything else lately, but I do play other games. Well, maybe I buy a lot of games.

There is a growing trend in the gaming community of the back log or pile of shame. Many people reading this can probably rattle off several game titles they've purchased but only put minimal, if any, time into. My particular stack is sadly several years in the making. That pile there is not even half the unfinished games I have lying around. Between WoW, my job and my attention spam, I don't complete most games. This is something I plan to rectify. Looking ahead there aren't many games on the horizon that really excite me. So, with little on the way I'm going to try and tackle this pile before it overwhelms me and I'm found dead under a pile of shrink wrapped game boxes.
This blog is going to be the perfect carrot for my stick. I now have a place to vent my opinions, feelings and thoughts on the games I'm playing. The plan is a new post every Friday detailing my progress. Let's hope with a defined goal to write about I can meet these demanding deadlines. First up to the plate?

Yeah that's right, the very polarizing MGS4. "Sons of Liberty" soured me enough that "Snake Eater" sits in my unfinished pile. I got a copy of "Guns of the Patriots" at Gamestop during a "buy 2 used games get 1 free" sale. Perfect fodder for my first attempt at critical commentary. See you in a week.
Hey, are you copy-catting me?
Kidding. More power to you.
Copy cat in what regard? Clearing the stack or playing MGS4 a year late?
Either way, join in on the fun.
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