Apparently I have characters other than an epic'd out level 80 hunter. The other night I took Rezzarek for a night out on the town, upgrading some of my old scrubby gear and even tanking normal Old Kingdom. I'll be honest, I had the backup of overgeared healer so I felt compelled to pull more than I could take and all-around jackassery. I guess sometimes you can spend so much time on your main that you kinda forget these charecters are more than just profession monkies and item repositories.
Mizuro, a blood elf male mage, was my first alt. At the time, some guys in my guild had made alts and I wanted to play with them and thus Mizuro was born. We went through all the old content and dungeons again and it was really fun. After that, it wasn't as fun to play Mizuro by myself. I can do amazing things soloing as a hunter but my abilities as a mage are rough and unrefined. That's probably the biggest reason why I stopped playing him.
Rezzarek, a blood elf male paladin, was my second alt. My guild master's first alt was a paladin, and seeing all the cool stuff he could do made me want to follow in his footsteps. I even Ian be my healer and we leveled each other up through azeroth all over again. Here I would have another roadblock in my development, as Ian basically quit playing his priest and thus I lost my healer. However I pressed on, and even managed to start raiding as retribution in our guild's weekly karazhan run.
However all was not well, as I discovered I really did not like retribution enough not to mention the fact that the leftover gear that I felt somewhat entitled to was being taken from me by a johnny-come-lately that joined the guild. Not only that, apparently while I had the respect and decency to come to the raid with a DPS spec, he chose to come as tank. So while I was a little miffed that he rolled on and won gear that I wanted, I never said anything. Eventually he did leave the guild with that gear and I ended up dropping my paladin completely.
So, after that little spiel, you might ask me: "So what made you decide to play Rezzarek again?" and I'll whisper: "No."
April fools.
Wait, what?
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