No, I haven't finally gotten 100 mounts and am flying on the back of the beautiful Red Dragonhawk mount. No, that's the dream, but I am slowly getting closer to it with each passing day. I recently got my 61st mount wednesday via emblems of heroism which I used to purchase a wooly mammoth. Obviously I still have a long way to go, but things like my guild master getting the raven lord mount gives me hope.
I have a little extra space here so I'd like to talk a little bit about the state of the blog. The plan (at least in my head) was for each of us to do one post after the other but it's not really working out as you can see. I think I will just post with more regularity and let Ian post every now and then. Hopefully I can convince him to continue "The Stack" and even contribute to it myself. I've been played enough of Valkyria Chronicles that I feel good talking about it. Fail @ Life is not dead!
So by posting more you mean posting less? Haha well this is a cool blog! Go Black Ice!
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